These high school biology homework pages are full of pictures, diagrams, and deeper questions covering chromosomes and cell division in eukaryotes and prokaryotes, including binary fission, mitosis, and meiosis!
Cell Division Homework 3 Answer Key
Page last updated on 2020 June 12Enrollment code: 12682 Prerequisite: ECE 154A (in lieu of ECE 152A and 152B) Class meetings: MW 12:00-1:30, Phelps 1431 (see special note under announcements) Instructor: Professor Behrooz Parhami Open office hours: MW 12:00-1:30 (via Zoom; note changes) Course forum on GauchoSpace: For messaging/discussion only Course announcements: Listed in reverse chronological order Course calendar: Schedule of lectures, homework, and exams Homework assignments: Four assignments, worth 40% in all Exams: None for spring 2020 Research paper: Worth 60% of course grade Research paper guidlines: Brief guide to format and contents Poster presentation tips: Brief guide to format and structure Policy on academic integrity: Please read very carefully Grade stats: Range, mean, etc. for homework & exam grades References: Textbook and other information sources Lecture slides: Available on the textbook's Web page Miscellaneous information: Motivation, catalog entry, historyCourse Announcements 2020/06/12: The spring 2020 offering of ECE 252B is officially over and course grades have been reported to the Registrar. I hope you enjoyed the course, despite the very challenging circumstances we had this quarter. Perhaps I will get to interact with some of you in person, as you take more graduate-level classes, enroll in directed research, or need other forms of advice/supervision. Have a pleasant summer! If you find yourself looking for technical activities during the summer months, check out the Technical Talks of IEEE's Central Coast Section.2020/05/21: HW4 has been posted to the homework area below. Video link for Lectures 18 (6/01) and 19 (6/03; the last one for the course) have been posted. If questions arise, as you work on finalizing your research paper for submission by the 6/10 deadline, please join my Zoom office hours, which I will maintain until the finals week, or send me e-mail to set up another meeting time. The required Zoom meeting link has been sent to you via GauchoSpace.2020/05/05: HW3 has been posted to the homework area below. Video link for Lecture 13 (5/11) has been posted and Lecture 14's (5/13) will be posted in a couple of days. The video link for Lecture 11, which was broken, has been fixed.2020/05/01: Links to lectures 11 and 12 have been posted to the Course Calendar area. Preliminary research references will be due on W 5/6. This is to ensure satisfactory progress toward the final research report and for me to provide help, if needed.2020/04/23: With links to lectures 9 and 10 already posted or forthcoming in a couple of days, and research topics assigned to all students, we are approaching the midpoint of the spring quarter. Hope all of you are doing okay in dealing with challenges of on-line instruction alongside personal/family health concerns. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need any help in academic or other matters.2020/04/18: HW2 has been posted to the homework area below. Lecture videos for the week of 4/20-24 have also been posted. 2020/04/09: As several of you have already sent me your research topic preferences before the deadline of 4/15, I have decided not to wait for the scheduled 4/22 topic assignment date and to begin assigning topics to students now, so as to provide more time for doing the work and preparing the report. In case of multiple students having the same first choice, I will assign the topic to the student with an earlier selection. Please send me your top three choices now, if you want to get started on your research. 2020/04/08: Please refer to GauchoSpace for new office-hour arrangements. 2020/04/05: Lectures 1-4 of the course are now available. See the links under Course Calendar. 2020/03/28: HW1 has been posted to the homework area below. Fifteen research topics, marked as "Available for S'20," have been chosen for this quarter (5, 5a, 6a, 9a, 12, 19, 21, 22, 27, 33a, 36, 40a, 46, 52, 55). For each topic, one or more initial references are specified to help define the topic and to get you started on your work. Once you have studied the topics, please e-mail me your top 3 choices in order of preferences and I will try to assign one of those topics to you. Given that the deadline for topic selection is 4/22, you should send your top 3 choices to me by 4/15.2020/03/26: Links to the videos of the first two lectures, for the week of 3/30-4/3, have been posted to the Course Calendar section below. I will try to post the videos for each week by the weekend preceding it. This coming weekend, HW1 will be posted. I am working on finalizing the list of available research topics by the coming weekend as well.2020/03/24: Important special announcement about the spring 2020 offering of ECE 252B: a. About your instructor: I have been at UCSB since 1988 (almost 32 years) and, before that, taught at other institutions for 15 years. I got my PhD at UCLA in 1973. I am looking forward to celebrating my 50th year as a professor in March 2023!b. On coronavirus and COVID-19: We are all experiencing enormous difficulties, as we adjust to social-distancing and other restrictions and worry about our own health and the health of our loved ones. I am working hard to master the new style of instruction, but there will be rough edges at the outset. Meanwhile, I will try to be as flexible as possible to accommodate any special needs.Your photo: Those of you who don't have a photo on GauchoSpace, please consider adding one, to make it easier for us to connect.d. Enrollment: Course enrollment stands at 13 as of today.e. First lecture: Please watch this 81-minute video containing the first lecture.f. The remaining lectures: I will record the remaining lectures as YouTube videos, so there will be no live questioning or discussion. I will accept your questions via e-mail (for quick questions needing a brief answer) or during my office hours (for lengthier ones). This is one of the compromises I have had to make in order to quickly adjust to the new mode of instruction. Links to lecture videos will be provided under Course Calendar.g. Submissions: You will submit solutions to homework assignments and various research reports as PDF attachments to e-mails. Please use a descriptive subject line to let me quickly identify that your e-mail is related to ECE 252B (I will be receiving many e-mails this quarter, given my ECE 1B freshman seminar with an enrollment of 100).h. Office hours: I have 3 general office hours, M 3:00-4:00 and W 3:00-5:00 (HFH 5155). In addition, my regular lecture times for ECE 252B, MW 12:00-1:30, will be devoted to course-specific office hours. So, we are using what is known as the "flipped classroom model": Lectures watched ahead of time, with questions/discussion during the scheduled lecture time.2020/03/13: Welcome to the Web page for the graduate course ECE 252B in spring 2020. As of today, class enrollment stands at 12. Information on the spring 2019 and earlier offerings of the course is available under the "History" section at the end of this page. Throughout the current quarter, this "Course Announcements" section will alert you to significant additions or changes to this Web page. Please visit regularly.
Sample Final Exam (2.5 hours) Do Problems 1-2, plus 5 of the remaining 6. If all optional problems are answered, the first 5 will be graded.Problem 1 [15 points] a. The standard 2-way carry operator has two pairs of inputs and a pair of outputs. Present a suitable generalization to an h-way operator with h pairs of inputs.b. Name and justify one, and only one, advantage of each of the following dividers over the other two: high-radix, array, convergence.c. Explain why square-rooting cannot be viewed as a special case of division, in the same way that squaring is a special case of multiplication.Problem 2 [10 points] Problem 5.18c from the textbook.Problem 3 [15 points] Problem 7.28 from the textbook.Problem 4 [15 points] Problem 11.22 from the textbook.Problem 5 [15 points] Problem 15.6 from the textbook.Problem 6 [15 points] Problem 19.2 from the textbook.Problem 7 [15 points] Problem 21.18 from the textbook.Problem 8 [15 points] Problem 22.20abc from the textbook.Midterm Exam Study GuideThe following textbook sections are excluded from the midterm exam: 3.4-3.6, 4.4-4.6, 6.3, 7.2, 10.5
This resource provides a fillable form pdf laboratory procedure and answer sheet for an online mitosis laboratory. It utilizes the a virtual onion root tip activity developed by D.K. Warren at The University of Arizona ( _bio/activities/cell_cycle/cell_cycle.html). It was designed for use as a somatic cell division laboratory exercise in an introductory online biology course.
Week 1: Day 1: : (View the lesson plan for complete instruction in Appendix). Step 1: Have students complete the Heredity Quiz (Pre non-formal) before teaching (to prepare your control data). Step 2: Present pre-survey to the students and have them meet them before the instruction is given. Step 3: After the survey is conducted, discuss Heredity with students. Take note about students thinking of Heredity. (See Appendix for a complete discussion) Step 3: Hand out student worksheets. Students will be working on Worksheet #1(Pre-assessment) while they watch the video clip Step 4: Review the answer to worksheet #1(Pre-assessment) as a class through a discussion of the video clip of the Maury Show. - While the students watch the video. Make sure students are completing the worksheet. Take notes on the engagement of the class towards the lesson. Day 2: Step 1: Vocabulary words: Have students define in their own words the following vocabulary words: Meiosis, sexual reproduction, breeding, inheritance, probability, paternity, maternity, paternal lineage, maternal lineage, DNA, polygenic, phenotype, genotype, gel electrophoresis, humans/ homosapiens, female and male, monogamous, promiscuous (in their own words from prior- knowledge). Through discussion, have students correct each other's definitions and come to a consensus on the purpose of each comment. Step 2: Create groups of 4-5 students (Teacher should make groups according to student's strengths and weaknesses). For example, groups should consist of a strong creative writer, a literate scientific student, a strong reader, an English Language Learner (ELL), or a student with an Individualized Education Program (IEP). This will allow differentiation ad peer scaffolding with teachers' guidance. Step 3: Have students copy down definitions in their notebooks so they can refer to them when needed for homework. The teacher can copy it down on their word walls. Day 3 -5: Have students create a skit of the Maury Show using the vocabulary words formed. Students will assign roles to each other and create a 20-30 line skit to interpret the show's guests. Students will peer review each other's work before the last day of the school week. 2ff7e9595c